Learn the skill of safety so you can unleash the impact that’s been brewing in you since birth.

The skill it took me 30 years studying a gigabillion disciplines to distill and that I have taught to hundred of clients who are using it to succeed living life their way, today.
    If like me you get a bit twitchy and impatient, here are the key details:    

⇒ The next SSMC kicks off with our pre-meet at 2.30pm BST/GMT on Thursday 22 Sept 2022, and your first class drops the following day
⇒ Weekly live calls on teaching weeks, Mondays and Thursdays at 2.30pm GMT/BST
(you'll be provided with a calendar to subscribe to with all the dates and links!)
⇒ Self led video modules with lifetime access
⇒ Private cohort community & alumni community (not on socials)

Your investment for this Masterclass is £2222
which is payable in full within 24hrs of acceptance to secure your place.
A deposit of £222 is payable with your application
This either goes towards your investment in the SSMC, or is refunded if your application is not successful at this time.

Developing your life-proof, sovereign safety, starts the moment you begin filling out your application!

You’ll hear by email if you have been successful, at which point you will be expected to commit to your place by paying for the Masterclass in full (minus your deposit) within 24hrs.

    You’re remembering who you are    

The pull in your chest you can’t explain, the sparks of deep, entangled knowing that you are meant for big things in this world.

You join dots no-one had even thought to notice - you see right to the root of the issue.

When you’re all in, you can move mountains.

You’ve done it before… with surprising ease... BUT!

Right at the point of striding out with the confidence of (cue the booming voice off screen)
Write your awesome label here.
SHE! (... she.. she... she.....)

Change Maker! 

Revolutionary Creative!

. . . you . . .      
                     . . . . . .  s  t  o  p           🤐

  • You aren’t fully believing YOUR instinctive insight was the reason that project got funded in record time. You tell yourself maybe it was just a fluke… right place, right time… you were just lucky…You aren’t fully believing YOUR instinctive insight was the reason that project got funded in record time.

  • You don’t feel safe enough to create the phenomenal results you’re creating AND be the person who’s being looked at… so you step back and put yourself in someone else’s shadow. That way if your confidence turns out to be ‘delusion’, there’s someone else to carry the responsibility… besides, isn’t it the ’right thing’ to support the other person to their success and not hog the limelight?  👀

  • You dismiss your worth, your natural, powerful abilities and achievements, and (as you convince yourself you got that promotion because they needed to promote an ethnic woman for diversity) you keep your opinion in your throat, and your hand down as leaders are called for. After all, if you don’t trust your own voice, even with your experience, how can anyone else?

You’ve been conditioned to believe that safety lives in politely swallowing your opinion, dressing and behaving “professionally” like all the others regardless of your beliefs…
trained by rules that use one simple stick to beat you back from your own brilliance:


  The fear rules are soul-deep clear:  
  • rejection and humiliation is on the other side of speaking up - best you say nothing, and be “safe”
  • you are responsible for the danger you are putting yourself in by being visible, so don’t expect support from anyone else. It was your choice, after all
  • other people will feel bad if you excel, so dim your light, and take your foot off the pedal. It’s not the done thing to believe you are capable of so much - its arrogance at best, delusion at worst.
These are not universal laws.
                                                                               ...wait whaaaat??? 🤯

They were made up by someone, and then reinforced by a systemic culture that benefits from your quiet productivity, that profits from your smallness and is upheld and unchallenged by your (and my!) sacrificial politeness.

It may feel as if this culturally implanted, wounded safety is protecting you from the consequences of breaking out from the rule book, but it is exhausting pretending you’re a giraffe all day, terrified someone will spot you’re actually a unicorn… 

It’s sweaty in an ill-fitting giraffe costume… obsessed with the chess game of "what happens if I", joking away your innate genius, dismissing your natural abilities, your gifts… YOURSELF…in favour of a painful neck brace and getting just the right shade of orange concealer… I mean, heaven help they spot the zipper.

Here’s the thing:

    you only need to "play it safe"... when you don't feel safe     

When you're doing the work of
  • healing generational wounds
  • moving through socially reinforced cultural limits
  • building a relationship with yourself that you’ve never seen modelled
  • creating, and being accepted for a career position that doesn’t yet exist 🤯
  • and trusting yourself to voice the opinion stuck in your throat before the moment passes…
...you need to feel authentically, genuinely, true-to-you, SOVEREIGN SAFE.

Sovereign safety is not a socialised manual of safety, where you have to rely on rules and approval that come from outside of you.

It is a cauldron that alchemises your exact existence into the very gold that shows how essential you are to humanity.

When you have the skill of self-generating safety, you OWN it.

When you feel safe enough to unconditionally trust that your curiosity and desire will lead you to great things, the hard things don’t feel hard anymore. Things like:
  • Specialising in a “freaky” zone-of-genius thing (a skill you’d spent YEARS dismissing) to make you is exactly what gets you 4x what you were earning with EASE baked in
  • Selling everything and emigrating to live your dream life, without blowing up your family relationships
  • Setting up an equitable, inclusive PROFITABLE business that is purpose made to support your family and chronic illness
  • Embedding your values so deeply in a new enterprise that work isn’t “work” and your clarity attracts supportive employees who share your vision
These are all “hard” things... but not when your inner genius 
feels safe enough to run the show, 
and you’re in the ease of your purpose
You're here to learn all you need to feel safe enough
to free your inner genius... in 12 weeks.

12 weeks!

No more thinking over the top of your rattled nervous system to “just do it”
No more bypassing your lived experience to “exposure therapy” your way through life
No more disassociation to avoid the hot mess of dealing with your feelings

Success not IN SPITE of you, but BECAUSE of you, WITH you, BEING exactly you…

I thought hard work was the route to success, and success was the route to happiness. I burnt out chasing this hope. I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t fix myself, I couldn’t make it feel better than groundhog day - I was all over mindset, I’d read ALL the books but it's been Sally’s work that has handed me the missing piece. 
I had heard her on a podcast and I was blown away. Her voice just landed in me. 
Finally I understood I wasn’t broken - I just had no working relationship with my body. I wasn't caring for myself, I wasn't paying attention to my stress, my anxiety, I was overworking “in spite” of it, as a “fix” for it… 
I’ve dropped LITERALLY a lifetime of judgement and I’m moving into my future with “the whole team”, being the whole ME and, honestly, I feel like I've got the user manual for life - I'm so grateful and SO relieved with the ease of it!
Emma Sampson

It’s not just possible, it’s inevitable.

How do I know?

Because I've done it, and I've witnessed it - time after time after time after time after... you get the gist.

Not with "special snowflakes", or "squeaky clean advanced mutation specimen" humans, but with hot-messy, non-linear, perfectly imperfect human-type humans like you, and like me.

Hi, I'm Sally

and I’ve spent the last 3 decades going Post Grad level turbo nerd across a billion different disciplines to figure out why the hell I felt like ass, when everyone was telling me I was doing so well, and why I couldn’t seem to trust and follow the pull of my purpose.

And, I figured it out so well that I can teach you.

So you're accessing in a 12 week guided process what it took me a lifetime to learn*
*on the plus side, I’m not bitter… 🤣

It gives me deep pleasure to introduce...

    The Sovereign Safety Masterclass    

The 12 week guided Masterclass that teaches the skill of life-proof inner safety so you can move from the patterns of your past into the arms of your purpose.

When you pair your commitment to yourself in this programme with the processes and tools I have used to do this work for myself, and that I have taught to countless clients, you’ll develop:
  • radical self acceptance - you’ll have your own back, no matter what
  • an intuitive and diverse trusted inner advisory team
  • a bespoke “stretch and recover” inner safety protocol that supports you to smash boundaries and limits that really mean something to you  (like leading an overhaul of educational systems to better support your neurodiverse child) in a way that is sustainable and has self-care baked in
  • an inner compass that points you away from wounded success (based on who you “should” be) and unerringly towards success because of who you are, as you define the legacy you want to leave in the world
  • comfort with this ⬆️ ever-growing success so you can allow and enjoy it without self-sabotage
  • AND you get to change course from this success ⬆️ and go succeed at something different without guilt, shame, apology - just because YOU WANT TO........ 🤯
  • fluency in the language of your central nervous system, your brain, and your purpose which enables you to BE the fully integrated version of you without guilt, shame or apology - wherever, whenever, whatever life throws at you (very Chaka Khan!*)
*sorry not sorry -  you’ll have that song in your head for the rest of the day now! 😂
It was SO hard for the first 40 years of my life, and then 15 minutes *click*... complete trust in myself.
The willpower and determination and self-punishing endurance I required of myself… this time I didn’t do it that way.
Everything feels... easier.
Brook Hopkins

Learning how to generate your bespoke, sovereign safety allows you a
    direct line of communication with your inner genius    

(who frankly has a direct line to the universe so it’s kind of like having a Matrix chip of flow inserted)
Then, my lovely squidge of sunbeam, then possibility opens… you can
  • Trust yourself so deeply that when you KNOW things in your hospital need to change, you know you’re the person to do it… then you succeed in changing government policy and medical law - even though you are a female doctor working in an openly patriarchal country

  • Stop mid-interview and walk out because this REALLY isn’t the job you want - then go and CREATE the CV for the job you want, sell it to the same company, apply for THAT job and GET IT… (I mean 🤯, right??!)

  • Accept the actual body and brain that you have, fully, and in a way that opens your mind to birthing a radical, unorthodox wealth creation model, working WITHIN your wellness, and factoring in rest and recovery (then you start working on how to teach this to others with chronic illness)

  • Orrrrr… maybe you want to be able to stay sitting on the sofa, putting yourself first WITHOUT shame and guilt making you  jump up compulsively when someone starts clearing up around you… (ahem this may be a personal result…)

These are just some of the results clients (and I!) have created because we feel safe enough to
from learning the skillset of life-proof, inner safety.
I stepped up to lead which was previously in the “no chance” category for me - not because I didn’t want to, but because I somehow felt like I shouldn’t, or shouldn’t… but because I can see the difference between the fake safe sandpit I was playing in, and the actual safety that I have found within myself.
The old stories just sort of slipped away - I can hardly remember the me who thought I couldn’t ask for more.
But honestly, the biggest change I've noticed is how much EASIER my life got! 
Knowing that I’m not “broken” or in some way wrong for being me has given me such relief!
All the energy I was using to fight with myself and continually prove to others I was good enough I can now use to do what I am called to do - that’s very exciting and brings me so much joy!
Ella Townsend
    Safety is a learnable skill    
and you’re about to find out how simply you can master it.
Here’s the process you’ll work through in our that makes life-proof inner safety not just possible…but inevitable:

Step #1: Understand clearly why you self-abandoned (spoiler, it’s not your fault), and instead learn how to see your 100% worth as the unquestionable, universal truth it is

Step #2: Reconnect with your body, radically accept and prioritise yourself without guilt

Step #3: Heal your CNS and break the generational patterns that have kept you (and your family) stuck in the shadows

Step #4: Decondition and retrain your mind from socialised systems of hierarchy, to come to rest in your own sovereignty, trusting your inner voice and intuition

Step #5: Uncover what you want, and commit fully MINUS drama and expectation, to become the author of your life, and the intentional architect of your future.This skill alone will forever change the way you experience your goals and desires.

The result?
You’ll deeply trust yourself to live in partnership with your body and brain, so you can (as a team) co-create the success that fear has been holding you back from.
“What I found amazing is that the tools were so simple, but they were so valuable, and the effect was so huge.
I learned how to be safe within myself and from that side of me that is judgemental and critical and that makes me feel not safe… and then that safety enabling me to connect to my body and really listening to what I needed… that was really key.
You HAVE to take this course because it’s amazing and it’s life changing and just trust the people who did it, they’ll tell you the same thing!”
Ingrid Wolpert

Here's how it breaks down.

    The Sovereign Safety Masterclass is a 12 week programme    

Weekly Classes 

The 12 weeks of the SSMC are made up of
8 teaching weeks
4 integration weeks.

The cadence is 2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1
2 teaching weeks, followed by one integration week
 (integration week is practice and rest, no teaching modules).

I provide a link that uploads everything into your calendar of choice including zoom links, so you will always know where you are.

Classes are self led video modules (about 90 mins) broken into digestible chunks, and practical exercises. Classes become available the Friday before each teaching week, giving you the weekend to watch/practice, before our live hours.

2hrs of Live Calls per Teaching Week

Every teaching week at 2.30pm GMT/BST, Monday and Thursday, you get me in your face, live! Lucky, lucky bean...
Monday is open hours, and Thursday is a coaching hour.

DRESS CODE CASUAL! Prioritise being comfortable and warm, and in a space where you feel safe to talk.

In these calls you can bring celebrations, ask questions about the material and application, and receive coaching from me.

These calls are in a private zoom room and are recorded and uploaded only to your cohort's portal.

Private, Safe Community

Socialised, structural, rulebook safety is constructed in a social setting, and dismantling it is triggering, 
which is why practicing in community is vital.
Here you will flex your growing muscles, stretch your limits and celebrate the influence of your expanding inner safety.

Your private SSMC cohort community is a safe space
where you will practice showing up and 
receiving support from me and from your peers. 

Lifetime Access

While the community is bound to the dates of the Masterclass, you retain access to the Masterclass material for the life of the programme (minus cohort specific recordings of open hours/coaching)

    ...and a Brucey Bonus...    

Noh noh nooooh!! 
I like to keep some fun stuff up my sleeve…
Let’s just say you’ll get more than you bargain for!
(I’ve been told the bonuses themselves are worth the price of the Masterclass!)
Sally will get the best out of your brain, in a way that will be 100% about you. 

She doesn’t force you to change - she opens the door, you get to choose if you want to walk through it. She’s with you whether you do or you don’t and just makes sure you like your reasons [...] I never feel judged whatever I do or don’t do. 
Her laser focus ensures I am making decisions for myself, not falling back into patterns of people pleasing.
She has the most wonderful way of guiding me back to remembering with clarity who I am. As the weeks pass, suddenly I realised my self belief is right here.
I know my own answers, and that "thing" I thought was going to be hard?
Well, it’s just the next right step.
Annie Claire

Get started on your journey to Sovereign Safety.

The bare minimum you need to know:
⇒ Our pre-meet will be at 1430 GMT/BST on 22 September 2022, the first class will be released on Friday 23 September
⇒ Weekly live calls on teaching weeks, Mondays and Thursdays at 2.30pm GMT/BST
(you'll be provided with a calendar to subscribe to with all the dates and links!)
⇒ Self led video modules with lifetime access
⇒ Private cohort community & alumni community (not on socials)
Your commitment to this Masterclass is £2222
which is payable in full within 24hrs of acceptance.
A deposit of £222 is payable with your application. This either goes towards your investment in the SSMC, or is refunded if your application is not successful at this time.

Acceptances will be confirmed by email
I have no doubt that this is one of the most important, if not THE most important course to date on the market.…there's self esteem, and there's self love, and there's self trust, but they are all built on the ability to self-generate safety.
Think of it - you can always make more safety!
It's like red blood cells if you get damaged, they come, and the body makes more because it can; it knows how… so, safety just keeps coming.
Yes it's a learnable skill, but now it's my way of being.
Zuza Noirbent
 You get to ride the wave of this Masterclass 
I’ve got you - from top to toe (and I’ve got your back too!)

The content is beyond a shadow of a doubt, a 30-year-in-the-making elixir of fast-track-slow-down-soul-purpose-alignment delivered in more simple to understand mind-blowing concepts than you can shake a stick at…

AND, the STRUCTURE of the 12 weeks is an active part of the process of allowing the partnership between your brain and body to flourish. 

Everything is intentional, from the 2-on-1-off learning, to the introduction of specific practices at certain points. Ooooh but it makes me giddy!

All you need to bring is your commitment, curiosity and an openness to possibility.

The rest, is a done deal.
The SSMC’s combination of self-paced learning and practical modules, live coaching hours and an active and supportive private community, is your tried and tested blueprint for success in building the one home you'll always return to, within you.

Your blueprints.
Your Sovereignty.
Your future built from safety, in alignment with your purpose.
    Here are the key details:    

⇒ The next SSMC kicks off with our pre-meet at 2.30pm BST/GMT on Thursday 22 Sept 2022, and your first class drops the following day
⇒ Weekly live calls on teaching weeks, Mondays and Thursdays at 2.30pm GMT/BST
(you'll be provided with a calendar to subscribe to with all the dates and links!)
⇒ Self led video modules with lifetime access
⇒ Private cohort community & alumni community (not on socials)

Your investment for this Masterclass is £2222
which is payable in full within 24hrs of acceptance to secure your place.
A deposit of £222 is payable with your application
This either goes towards your investment in the SSMC, or is refunded if your application is not successful at this time.

Developing your life-proof safety sovereignty starts the moment you begin filling out your application!

You’ll hear by email if you have been successful, at which point you will be expected to commit to your place by paying for the Masterclass in full (minus your deposit) within 24hrs.
 The application questions are now what I know to be typical of Sally: a distillation of complicated concepts into understandable ideas. She helps you direct your attention and energy in profound ways, and that process starts with the application.

Once I was finished, I was just concerned that I wouldn't get in!
The Sovereign Safety Masterclass is absolutely worth the investment - it's an investment in your emotional resilience.
Elizabeth Thompson
Your cohort community is privately held (not on social media)
and is an intrinsic part of developing sovereign safety.

Showing up in a community….😫….If the idea of this makes you sweaty, you aren’t alone! 

Aaaand that’s part of the process.

The guided skills you learn and practice in our safe cohort community, with me as your coach, are skills you will be able to use outside of our space in the “real world” to speak your mind AND learn that you are still glorious and relatable and wonderful.

When you finish the 12 weeks with the permanent skill of being able to share your opinion BEFORE the moment passes, that's when the rewards FAR outweigh the discomfort of showing up in a community. 

This class enabled me to come home to my body, and know that it’s a safe space to be
Genique Baker

Within this Masterclass you'll:

  • Discover how you were conditioned to hide from yourself, and why it is so challenging to trust your inner voice
  • Be in dialogue with your body, and apply what you uncover to heal your central nervous system
  • Alchemise your lived experience, and inherited epigenetics into trust, safety and purpose
  • Become the author of your past, and the architect of your future
  • Develop a sustainable, intuitive and fulfilling framework to live your legacy life


  • Understanding clearly why you self-abandoned, and see your 100% worth as unquestionable
  • De-conditioning and retraining your mind to sovereignty, so your inner voice and intuition is clear, and YOURS
  • Healing your CNS and breaking generational patterns
  • Reconnecting with your body, radically accepting and prioritising yourself without guilt
  • Trusting yourself deeply in partnership with your body and brain
  • Knowing what you want, and committing fully (minus the drama)

Frequently asked questions

Are the times of the live calls negotiable?

The times are not negotiable, and the calls are recorded for those who choose not to attend live (which is not a problem, the community is 24hr and if you have tagged me for coaching, I aim to respond within 24h max on weekdays!).

What if I can't make any of the live calls?

While the live calls are recorded, one of the biggest shifts in the SSMC comes through community participation both in the community, and in the 2 live group calls each teaching week.
You will still benefit from the recordings, and from your activity in our private community space however if you categorically know you won't make any of the calls, this course may not be right for you at this point.

What if I feel the pull... but I don't yet know my purpose?

Then let’s find out!

I have had trauma in my past, is the SSMC appropriate for me?

I am a trauma informed coach, and humans with trauma in their lived experience have completed the MC and reported positive results. 
Depending on the nature of your trauma (there is a question in the application regarding this), I may request a conversation to ensure the SSMC is a good fit.
I aim for the MC to be appropriate for all humans and all central nervous systems responding to all lived experiences AND because of the online nature of the learning/ group aspect of the cohort, I may recommend you have additional support in place.

Can I coach 1:1 with you?

If you have completed or you are actively participating in the SSMC, yes it is possible for us to have a 1:1 coaching relationship.
This programme is so foundationally effective that clients who coach 1:1 after completing have accelerated and profound personal progress. It's bloody amazing to witness! 
But to answer your question, yes for the moment I am still accepting a small number of 1:1 clients.

Is your community a Facebook group?

Your cohort community is privately held (not on social media) and is an intrinsic part of developing sovereign safety.
If the idea of community makes you sweaty, you aren’t alone! 
Aaaand that's part of the point... the skills you learn in the SSMC, you will practice in our safe cohort community, with me as your coach, are skills you will be able to use outside of our space in the “real world”.
I promise, the rewards FAR outweigh the discomfort.

What’s the difference between “open hours” and “coaching”?

Monday’s live group call is “open hours”, which is for topic questions and coaching.
Thursday’s live group call is a full hour of coaching on any sticky bits that may be coming up for you (though of course questions will be answered!).
What is so brilliant about group coaching is that you get to benefit not only from your own coaching, but everyones!

I'm not sure I'm ready for this  - what do I need to do to prepare?

Absolutely NOTHING.
Come exactly as you are. I know you are ready.

What happens after I apply?

Your application gets delivered (by the internet elves) to me, and I go through it with love and intention, to ensure the SSMC is a great fit for you. 
Within a few days I'll email to inform you that your application has been successful, then you secure your spot by sending your investment within 24h. Next you will get a jam packed email of love with a calendar subscription that uploads all dates, times, links etc to your calendar of choice (and in your time zone!) so you know exactly when and where we will meet, and what to expect.
As the SSMC opens, you will receive class release emails with links to the portal.
When you have completed the SSMC, you will be invited to the Alumni community where we have ongoing shenanigans!
While you actively (or passively) put off your dreams,
you’re actively fighting to KEEP them as dreams

You don’t need to wait for the “right” time, age or income to step into your life.

You don’t need to have the “right” feeling.

You don’t need life, family, or friends to provide the “perfect” set of circumstances.

You don’t need for life to be further on, better, easier - maybe just after that one “thing” (holiday/ anniversary/ qualification/ promotion/ project completes)...

And you don't need to "think better" - the truth is if it were down to mindset, hard work and box-ticking alone, you’d have figured out how to get past the visceral response of your body when you consider colouring outside of the lines and doing the world "á la YOU"!

Life-proof, sovereign safety is the last piece of the puzzle to allow you to feel safe enough to hear, understand and honour what you feel is right for you…

And that’s exactly what you learn inside SMCC. 

Come, join me, and the women who have walked this path before you.
This class enabled me to come home to my body, and know that it’s a safe space to be.It was really really understanding what was happening to my nervous system.

I have heard about all these theories, and concepts, and it wasn’t until you said it that I was able to pinpoint what was going on in my body… and when I say I’ve studied it to a high level I mean I’ve studied this in university, I’m certified with trauma counsellors, I’ve learned the material so many times…. and it wasn’t until you said it that I was like “ooooooh THAT’S what I’ve been learning for the last like 10 years!”...
Genique Baker

Your investment of £2222 and 12 weeks, in this Masterclass  
provides an incredible return on investment -  
a life skill that secures your future is lived AS YOU  

You’ll hear by email if you have been successful,
at which point you will be expected to commit to your place
by paying for the Masterclass in full (minus your deposit) within 24hrs.

Curious about me?

I should think so too - I mean, what kind of person starts picking up psychology textbooks at 14?

Well, a ME kind of person, that's who!

You've probably already gleaned that I am qualified up the ying yang in multiple disciplines - psychology, social anthropology, psychotherapy and counselling, coaching, animal behavioural psychology (surprisingly useful), architectural interior design… (yay the novelty seeking omni-potential of my ADHD brain!)

Oh and FYI I’m a dog trainer (and owner), an ADHD parent to ADHD children, hard of hearing (so I read lips and bodies REALLY well), I grew up in Northern Ireland surrounded by guns and bombs, I think and speak really quickly and make wild and wonderful synaptic leaps... and I'm a fully fledged messy human, which qualifies me in real-life stressors and CNS-regulation-under-challenge in ways you will entirely relate to.
Write your awesome label here.

I spent my life being rather excellent at succeeding... from a wounded ego, winning the trophies and ticking the obligation and expectation boxes - only to realise no-one else was invested in me being me.

I had delegated my opinions about what I wanted in life to other people, and as a consequence, that was the life I had: someone else’s. It was a golden cage of "OK"ness that I was scared to dream outside of - and that suited the world JUST RIGHT.

Finally in my mid 30s I had enough of being a low-level-always-angry professional chameleon, emotionally exhausted from walking the Grand Canyon tightrope of “the right way to be” and "managing other people's emotions" when everyone (apart from me) had their own version of how I should do life...

Add to this I was permanently furious with myself for CONTINUALLY being compelled to please others (just ask me about my days in bed after not wanting to make a fuss and eating 3 courses of food I am allergic to...)

I wanted peace and ease and to do the big thing I was meant to do - I wanted to follow this damn pull in my chest that wouldn’t let me be, I just didn’t know HOW to do it in a way that felt like me - I wasn't sure I knew what "me", felt like (turns out quite lovely thank you very much!).

I had two options:
burn it all down,
or be slightly less dramatic and figure out how to build a relationship of trust and partnership with my body and brain that allows for enough safety for me to lean into being ME.

So… I sucked the marrow from the bones of all my learnings, I realised the capital from my shifting focus and all the experience I had gained, and I figured out how to make my life mine with ME right at the centre of it (like a stick of rock!)

AND still function in the world, still achieve…

in fact since doing this work I function at a higher level, and my achievements have gone through the glass ceiling and I see this mirrored in the lives of my clients.

Now, I am a secure leader who prioritises my natural drives, a role model for my children of a fulfilled business woman and Mum with ADHD… WITHOUT shame and guilt, and I get to be a safe space for all humans WHILE I take on the world and demand more of it.

But here's the most astonishing thing - every time I take clients through this Masterclass I re-do it too, and I properly swear (cross my heart finger in my eye no fingers crossed behind my back) every time I have, I HAVE PERSONALLY EVOLVED. My thinking, my belief systems, my IP, my relationships, my income... E V E R Y   TIME.

That's why as alumni you'll track through the class parallel with each new cohort. Not because you have to but because it's like freaking pixie dust.

Not something I was expecting, but holy crap if that isn't some awesome magic shizzle going on right there.

So don't do this Masterclass thinking you're going to "maybe" (side eye) up-level your relationship with you, once. This class is the ticket to the liminal zone, an upward spiral you can't even conceive of yet - and I KNOW how smart you are. 
I didn’t even know that I was looking for the “thing” this course gave me, and it’s like THE most important thing - it’s the ONLY important thing.
There’s no way around it, there’s just no way - you can’t cheat safety, you just can’t!
It was SO hard for the first 40 years of my life, and then 15 minutes *click* complete trust in myself.The willpower and determination and self-punishing endurance I required of myself… this time I didn’t do it that way. 
Everything feels... easier. It is really weird… I don’t know where you came from… it’s been really incredible.
Brook Hopkins
This is not “just” theory, it’s application and mastery.

The Masterclass forms a framework for safety - yes in theory, but so much of the transformation of the Masterclass is based on your active participation, and practice. 

You will create a bespoke blueprint for your intuitive, sustainable, fulfilling legacy leaving, forever-life.

Even if you don’t intend to, you won’t be able to NOT impact people with this work... your whole CNS will be recalibrated and regulated and you will FEEL safe to be around...
I learned so much from everybody else, everybody’s human, everybody has “things”... that part of it (the community) was really interesting for me, because it’s something that I would normally steer clear from.

It pushed me out of my comfort zone: it’s one thing to feel like you can do it for yourself, but then to do it in front of other people, it means you can do it out in the world too.
Kate Gellie
Hey there!
I see you, all the way down here...

and that tells me you may be wondering if you really need this: you’ve done all the reading, you know you are close… maybe you can just try harder and do it yourself. 

I did it, so you could too.

You’ll probably even get there quicker than me! (*looks back at the last 30 years…*)

Listen, I get it - here I am, just a girl, standing in front of a beautiful soul, asking you to trust me… when one of the reasons you’re here… is you DON’T trust your judgement. And trusting your inner judgement above all else IS a revolutionary way of being (I can’t believe it is, but it is!). 

Except... rather than destruction, this revolution has ease raspberry rippled through it, and fulfilment and personal evolution enough for 3 lifetimes at the end of it (oh, if I haven’t explained this already, the work we do is like quantum leap - think you, but with growth from 100 years in the future, right now…). 

The only thing that’s going to get in the way of you taking this Masterclass is the very reason this Masterclass is perfect for you (and it’s the same thing that’s getting in the way of you living the life you were designed for)...


Just think about the implications of that for a minute.

Big love

xx me
It’s been like a wild and crazy roller coaster… exciting and thrilling, and also the softest, most gentle, warm hug at the same time
Sara Sherriff
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